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Selected Fotonovelas

“It’s Never Too Late to Start Exercising”
This Fotonovela is for older adults and it’s about the importance of exercise on a regular basis. Health experts say that older adults should be active every day to maintain their health. Produced for Go4Life, National Institute on Aging in collaboration with AED.

“Más vale prevenir que lamentar”
This Fotonovela is about the HPV vaccine. FPC produced and collaborated with the California Public Health Immunization Program to encourage Latino parents to have their preteens vaccinated against HPV.

“Unidos Podemos – Together We Can”
The Fotonovela Production Company in collaboration with Stanford University – School of Medicine and The National Alzheimer’s Association produced “Together We Can”, a bilingual fotonovela for caregivers that addresses the needs of caregivers and how they can better care for themselves and others. The story models how a family can come together, support each other and share the responsibility. “Together We Can” is currently being used in a research project at Stanford University to assess its effectiveness in helping improve the quality of life of both the caregiver and the person with Alzheimer’s disease.
August 2009

“Start Walking”
Colorful revistas / pictorial magazines are a great entertainment education tool that inform and encourage without being preachy and judgmental. “Start Walking!”
“iA Caminar!” uses a Stages of Change approach to encourage readers to take the low anxiety, high-esteem action steps to positive change.

“Walk to Health”
This fotonovela was produced for the University of California – Los Angeles for a research project to assess ways to motivate older Latinos to be more active.

“Saturday Night Special”
One of the earliest fotonovelas ever produced on HIV/AIDS (1987), “Saturday Night Special” dealt with this once taboo subject in a straightforward manner and successfully reached millions of people.

“El plomo! Amenaza a la familia!”
“El plomo!” was produced for the Washington State Department of Health to warn Latino families about the dangers of lead.

“Do it for Them!”
Produced for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention – National Diabetes Education Program, “Do it for Them! Hazlo por ellos!” is a bilingual fotonovela that encourages healthy nutrition and physical fitness for the whole family.

“Novela de Amor”
“Novela de Amor” – was produced for the Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception. This is a double-sided fotonovela, one side for men the other side for women.

“Taking Care of Our Children’s Teeth”
“Taking Care of Our Children’s Teeth” – was produced in collaboration with Morrow and Associates for the Albuquerque Area Dental Support Center. It is a story for the whole family.

“Dolores y Esperanza”
Was the first fotonovela Matiella produced. It explored a sensitive subject, arthritis, personalizing it with everyday people on familiar settings.
This very successful outreach tool was created for the National Arthritis Foundation in 1984.

“Debes Saber – You Need to Know”
Debes Saber – You Need to Know is a bilingual fotonovela/revista produced for the New Mexico Department of Health Breast and
Cervical Early Detection Program. It was the lead piece in one of the most successful mammogram campaigns conducted
in the state of New Mexico resulting in a 300% increase in mammography among Latina women over the age of 50.